Dinastycoin Blockchain Explorer

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Server time: 2024-07-05 17:47:42 | Transaction pool

Network difficulty: 2103337 | Hard fork: v14 | Hash rate: 17.527 kH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000004 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 0, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

age [h:m:s] transaction hash fee/per_kB [µɱ] in/out tx size [kB]

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
1713 04:243:18:56:14 0.08 5fd5cedd49b02ab65bd99b9a1e0545e82647f9efa349c325f37734bf440cdf7f N/A 605.794 0/1 0.08
1712 04:243:18:58:16 0.08 44f7317745c271f068fff6ab1916207b125161ccbd5587d55fbd08a7c135e13b N/A 605.799 0/1 0.08
1711 04:243:18:58:41 0.08 0fdc65a72c2d46e3bc42bd373620c724bb65c620902397ef558e290bf38ea6dd N/A 605.803 0/1 0.08
1710 04:243:18:59:31 0.08 1a077e59e03049656df21ffc2ca06279ebc986af8446d75d8454f64e12555ed3 N/A 605.808 0/1 0.08
1709 04:243:19:01:10 0.08 1a0eaa354b7f865abe4743633b347a7036762c7d4ffc9b7263b59079f657012b N/A 605.813 0/1 0.08
1708 04:243:19:01:11 0.08 e738a32d7b2728f96b2ccfcec60f8f1887a8f43f2bcccac0ae0460052ec7c36c N/A 605.817 0/1 0.08
1707 04:243:19:01:31 0.08 ac516a00bb4d7758cd33ba7b7b44580dc6c50cdcf2820cbba8a5c5cd13f8203a N/A 605.822 0/1 0.08
1706 04:243:19:03:00 0.08 8a4a43888bb406bc01ff6f573fb5d79440b95dcf0c697fb4ea35e00467a3f456 N/A 605.826 0/1 0.08
1705 04:243:19:04:56 0.08 387fede4fea755baeb376e8bf9b994344d93087fce1e557ed1eb82775b1333df N/A 605.831 0/1 0.08
1704 04:243:19:07:26 0.08 28078954b886772ee19c5f9bd22c0391b8bea65a9c2c8cf9b991500f92f14088 N/A 605.836 0/1 0.08
1703 04:243:19:10:36 0.08 b1815b04cbf61be064dc585de53f31b81c99b2f4d4755aad3da35bf3fe76d880 N/A 605.840 0/1 0.08
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source code | explorer version (api): master-2022-04-20-3036769 (1.2) | dinastycoin version: 4.1-b41cfa2b8